Source code for

# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs
# mypy: disallow-any-decorated
from typing import Callable, Any, List, Tuple, TypeVar, cast

from ._callback import Callback, _UnregisterContext
from ._shortcuts import After, Before, Remove

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Callable)

[docs]class Callbacks: """ Holds created callbacks, making it easy to disconnect later. This class provides two methods of operation: * :meth:`Before` and :meth:`After`: This provides connection support for arbitrary functions and methods, similar to mocking them. * :meth:`Register`: Registers a function into a :class:`Callback`, making the callback call the registered function when it gets itself called. In both modes, :meth:`RemoveAll` can be used to unregister all callbacks. The class can also be used in context-manager form, in which case all callbacks are unregistered when the context-manager ends. .. note:: This class keeps a strong reference to the callback and the sender, thus they won't be garbage-collected while still connected. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._function_callbacks: List[Tuple[Callable, Callable]] = [] self._contexts: List[_UnregisterContext] = []
[docs] def Before( self, sender: T, callback: Callable, *, sender_as_parameter: bool = False ) -> T: """ Registers a callback to be executed before an arbitrary function. Example:: class C: def foo(self, x): ... def callback(x): ... Before(, callback) The call above will result in ``callback`` to be called for *every instance* of ``C``. """ sender = cast( T, Before(sender, callback, sender_as_parameter=sender_as_parameter) ) self._function_callbacks.append((sender, callback)) return sender
[docs] def After( self, sender: T, callback: Callable, *, sender_as_parameter: bool = False ) -> T: """ Same as :meth:`Before`, but will call the callback after the ``sender`` function has been called. """ sender = cast( T, After(sender, callback, sender_as_parameter=sender_as_parameter) ) self._function_callbacks.append((sender, callback)) return sender
[docs] def RemoveAll(self) -> None: """ Remove all registered functions, either from :meth:`Before`, :meth:`After`, or :meth:`Register`. """ for sender, callback in self._function_callbacks: Remove(sender, callback) self._function_callbacks.clear() for context in self._contexts: context.Unregister() self._contexts.clear()
def __enter__(self) -> "Callbacks": """Context manager support: when the context ends, unregister all callbacks.""" return self def __exit__(self, *args: object) -> None: """Context manager support: when the context ends, unregister all callbacks.""" self.RemoveAll()
[docs] def Register(self, callback: Callback, func: Callable) -> None: """ Registers the given function into the given callback. This will automatically unregister the function from the given callback when :meth:`Callbacks.RemoveAll` is called or the context manager ends in the context manager form. """ self._contexts.append(callback.Register(func))